5 tips for beautiful lips even by polar time

Cara memerahkan bibir dengan buah alpukat - AyoKesehatan

Well, maybe I go a little strong with “Polar time” because, to be honest, the cold polar, I do not really know (when it’s -10 ° in the Loiret, it matters or not? J ‘… have my doubts). Nevertheless, and as you start to know, I am one of those who love lipsticks. Except that put lipstick on lips burnt due to cold, drought and many bad habits (admittedly) not the top.

I thought to write this article after several comments left on my post on the Red b. Perfect! Red suede Agnes b. wondering how I am to have “such pretty lips” (or something like that). I must confess that every time you compliment me, I do not know what to answer because believe me, my lips are far from perfect: dry, dehydrated, small skins galore and very bad fads . Let’s say I try to make things as I can (or limit the damage, it depends) if I want to wear my red lipstick last favorite of the moment. And that motivates me more than anything.

I then said that a small article on the 5 tips that allow me to find presentable pretty lips would not be a bad idea, especially at this time of year when the cold outside that contrasts with the heat and drought radiators because many miseries. Nothing extraordinary in all this, but it can still help.

1 Nipping, tear, drool: 3 verbs that I (almost) banned from my vocabulary

Yes, because it is from there that all my problems come. I have a tendency to pick on my lips and make them see all the colors. I do not know why, but when I’m bored / I think / watch TV / I read a book / I write an article (and many other things), I spend 3/4 of my time to bite my lip with his teeth, just to see if there is not a small skin (dry or not) tear. I do not always give me matters is mechanical. And how many times have I found bloody mouth (yes!) Because-this damn skin, yes, that one there, the very dry air that has huge, it was not necessary to shoot him as a ill (but it was so tempting)?

So I try somehow to stop doing all this even if sometimes it’s stronger than me. As soon as I see that I’m cracking up the call from the small skin, I think of my new lipstick Dior lips will be terribly ugly on dilapidated lips. It works (some). Finally, I also have the damn mania spend 36 times my tongue over my lips to moisten them. Except that no, it is not good. Saliva contains two substances that dry the skin: amylase and maltase, digestive enzymes that destroy the protective film of the lips (you see, by teaching you things through me). So, I try not to have the habit of drooling like a snail when my lips seem dry.

Well, okay, we will all agree that it is difficult to dispose of them through. But try to do those bad things less often, it works too. Anyway, on my side, are clearly the best.

2 Make a clean sweep to eliminate dry skin

Because-what is more ugly when you put lipstick is when it marks the small dry skin. Yes, sometimes I make my ugly head and want to ask my lipstick despite the disastrous state of my lips. Well mashed how ugly.

And then one day, I discovered the lip scrubs. It really helps to regain smooth and sharp lips. I know than at Lush (I had told you about here), formulated with powdered sugar base and do very well their job. But there are other brands (The Body Shop Eyes Lips Face, Clarins, etc …) and in all forms. And if you do not want to invest, you can even try to create you your lip scrub small house with powdered sugar and honey or vegetable oil (olive, sweet almond, jojoba, etc …). The net is full of lots of easy recipes, more or less effective, however.

Personally, I currently carbide Lush Kiss Soufflé that is not too aggressive with its formula containing coconut oil and jojoba oil. I use it once every two weeks (well, something around there), and it really helps me recover pretty easier to makeup lips.

3 Drink like a fish (but be warned, it only works with the water, I see you come and alcoholic)

That’s one of my recent discoveries and I must confess that I have been blown away. Well yes, I confess, I never drink water everyday. Never, oh, ever. I know it is not good for health, all that stuff, but I carbide lemonade. And then it took me to do my last skin allergy that I empty a whole bottle of Cristaline overnight. My skin became so dry that in addition to moisturize the surface, I thought it would also be smart to moisturize from the inside by drinking water (in huge quantities).

Besides the fact that it has done good to the skin of my face, this also has a small effect on my lips that were really less dry and, for once, found themselves all plumped. This gave me food for thought. But I had to get up countless times at night to go to the bathroom (how are you, should not I tell you? Too late ….). Anyway, in case of drought, I know what I have to do. Glug glug and and!

4 Use one of my 46 lip balm to moisturize and repair all night long (nothing to do with Lionel)

I think we’re all a bit the same, we tend to collect lip balms it because, well, this one he seems well fix the lips or the other-because there he a really too cute packaging. And this taste raspberry, should we talk about? Briefly, 46 lip balms but never apply enough that they really do effect. Anyway, that was my case before I put them all on my nightstand (a holy mess that night table) not zap the stage lip care.

Before going to bed for good (after turning off the computer and read 100aines pages of my book of the moment), I slice my lip balm of my favorite – that changes about every 3 weeks. Okay I’m exaggerating a little. Especially since I discovered the Lip Balm very Repairer Vitacitral which is one of the most effective I’ve tested to date. It repairs and moisturizes really well. The lips are instantly plumped from within and on top of that, it is very comfortable. A nice discovery paraben that costs nothing (about 4 euros).

I apply a thick layer with beveled tip and I enter the texture in the ridges of the lips by tapping with my index finger pulp. In the morning, my lips are intensely repaired. This product is stunning. He saved me from many galleys. Besides that, I enjoy always so restful balm with shea butter to at Yves Rocher (see here) and Lip Balm # 1 Kiehl’s that I discovered there are few who is not so bad (but do not fix).

5 sublimate my lips with great fanfare and moisturizing gloss red day

Finally, my last trick to have nice lips even when it’s freezing cold outside one is to protect my lips while sublimating I necessarily apply lipstick or lip gloss when I go out. Well, in addition, it’s a little order to maneuver as all these little tricks to have nice lips, it is mainly to avoid cracra lips and can continue to wear lipstick on. And then when I someting on the lips, it prevents me to make all my foibles exposed to the first paragraph. That’s all benef ‘.

Obviously, there are lipsticks and glosses that are not hyper-compatible with the lips that dry cold weather. Red matte lips are enough to wear perilous and although I love this season, I avoid to wear too, especially if my lips were suddenly less well. I prefer emollient formulas such as that of Ultra Glossy Stylo Kiko (it’s good, I love these lipsticks – see here). I also like my Lip Attitude Glamour at Sephora, my Pencils Creamy Red Agnès b. (here) or the Maybelline Sensational Watershine Gemey. They coat the lips with a soft and comfortable texture and do not score (too) dry and chapped other.

Finally, a must for the rest of my lips gloss. The problem is that it is not very clear to wear, especially when there is a wind dog (I love having hair stuck in the gloss, um …) or when we love a good large scarf (well, I have wool in the mouth). Still, I find that the gloss moisturize and protect the great cold. Favorite, especially for Bourjois Gloss Effet 3D (I have 3) actions that combine protective balm and long-lasting hydration (I will have thee hear about it elsewhere).

5 tips for beautiful lips even by polar time

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